Friday, October 1, 2010

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice :)

So, I had one of those long terrace conversations with my friend today. And there’s so much that came out of it.
We talked about how different our lives have become in the course of these last three months-
broken bonds, new misunderstandings, changed equations, new friends and the distancing of old ones, missed opportunities, new foundations and the loss of the old ones, how the contentment that filled me at the end of my 1st year in law school is all but mostly non-existent now, how life’s been too fast for me to catch up with it, we laughed at how one gets to hear the weirdest rumours about oneself here, we talked about choices and the fear of not being the chosen one, of choices one makes while dealing with the same thing, of priorities and decisions, of not being what I mean to people anymore, of not letting closed wounds open up and haunt us again...

We talked about how I baked a cake for my friend’s birthday today and its many connotations in my life.  How it’s my attempt at getting my life back on its old track by doing something I used to do; it’s my attempt at making amends and setting things right with a friend I don’t want to lose; How it’s therapeutic in a weird way- how everything is measured and put in the perfect amount and how when the baked cake comes out smelling of chocolate and the perfect brown colour, it makes me feel so good about myself, so secure in its success!

It wasn’t one of those ‘depressed days’ conversations, just one of those days when one wants to speak, wants to let it all out, wants to question everything out aloud, clear all those confusions, wants to start all over again... It’s just one of those days when one sits down and makes a checklist of everything that went right and everything that didn’t and take solace in the ones that did and make promises to oneself to make the others work out the next time...

Life’s just like the cake you know...All you need to know is the perfect baking time. You need to know the correct time and the correct ingredient and the correct company. There’s always the small impurity in the ingredient you need to sift  out; always the possibility of putting too much of the cocoa powder that makes it turn bitter, experience teaches you the perfect amount; always the extra amount of cream that makes the icing too liquid so it doesn’t sit nicely on the cake, the correct consistency comes with pouring it little at a time; and there’s ALWAYS the contentment that comes with having that leftover piece of cake after everyone has devoured it... At the end of the day, life IS about sugar and spice and everything nice, just find the correct people to share it with, choose them carefully and choose them well coz they make the experience worth it...

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