Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just Like Always

I've often wondered how I had such an uneventful childhood and school-days. There was nothing out-of-place that happened. There was nothing exciting or life-changing that made everything go topsy turvy.
My life was wrapped up in the whispers and giggles of the morning assembly, the frisbee matches in the corridors, the longing glances at the Mercs in our 'dream house', the phuchka and Upper Crust treats after school, the car rides back home, often spent in pin drop silence and more often in non-stop chatter, pillow talks till 4 in the night, scared texting on stormy, pre-physics-exam nights, Rabindrajayantis and Teachers days, heartbreaks, heartaches and breakup mails, hushed talks in the library corner, Breezers outside amartya's, camping outside Doga's, incessant complaints about all the 'chaap' from home, the "Who's Pratyusha dating?" games, the photoshoots all over school, the Saraswati Pujos, the Lake meetings...
It’s as normal as it can possibly get, never surprising, never different and maybe that's why I forgot to notice it was as perfect as it can get!
Those perfect days might be over but you know they can't be gone forever when the people who made it so turn up at your doorstep, when you're missing them the most, though they're supposed to be in some other city, when an iced tea and the IIT terrace is all u need to pick up from just where u left, when one evening at the Rooftop is all you need to learn to love the Calcutta skyline once more, in a new way.
I will go to sleep, crying into my pillow tonite, not because I'm sad but because it’s so beautiful to have an intense feeling and the right words at the same time. 

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